Saturday, July 5, 2008

In response to an alleged offense…

Good day! I have not heard from you for the past years yet I want to express my full gratitude for all the things you have done in the past. I may not be able to provide ample compensation nor return any thanks for the support you rendered during the high tides and storms but I never intend to hurt you in any manner. It was a “swallow-hard” decision and I believe it is caused by communication gaps. You are always a friend to me and I cannot discard whatever things that transpired in that friendship.

I apologize for the many ways I may have hurt or offended you- those that I may or may not be aware of. As far as I’m concerned I opted not to explain further for my sincerity might be in question if it is not done personally. If the opportunity comes along way, may you have an open heart to talk things over… People always have things to say (most of those do not have any concern at all) but I know that YOU understand better- you are the BEST!

Again, thanks a lot and Good luck!

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